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New Mud Kitchen

New Mud Kitchen
A mud kitchen area is often part of a nursery garden set up as it allows children of all ages to experience another example of sensory play and exploring different textures. Children can explore and discover together, gain new skills, show curiosity, investigate, use role play experiences and share space and resources with their friends. Consistency and textures can be changed by adding water to mud, adding natural materials such as herbs, flowers, seeds, and plants from around the garden.

Within this area, children are encouraged to develop their independence and use their imagination and own creative ideas. They are provided with a range of equipment and can choose their own appropriate resources for their play, which will enable them to follow their ideas and thoughts. 

Imaginative play is evident throughout this area of the garden as children create kitchens, tea parties, cakes, silly soups and more! As the children play, their vocabulary and language are shared extensively between the adults and their friends. Over time, play becomes more co-operative, and children can access the activity and resources independently with minimal adult support.

During the year, the area is easily adjustable and can have the area and its resources enhanced in multiple ways, allowing the children’s interests to be followed to extend learning to the full for each child.

You may find in mud kitchens, that many of its materials are reclaimed or recycled. These items are selected by the children independently and can act as multiple purposed props for the children to extend their learning, for example: trugs and pots, various sized scoops, pots, pans, etc. 

As skills continue to develop, the children build on knowledge and may use home life experiences to extend understanding, vocabulary, and language. This vocabulary is often rich in expression, rhyme, and sounds, developing phonic understanding through fun activities.

Children are creative and imaginative, acting out roles, having parties and sharing fun times. For many children the fun is just getting a little dirty and being able to explore with their hands! 


@BananaMoon - 2 years ago


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We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm


Banana Moon Day Nursery, Netteswell Orchard, Park Lane
CM20 2QH

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